Workshop Overview
Natural Language Processing (NLP) and graph analysis stand as two fundamental pillars of biomedical informatics, providing effective tools to extract, represent, and analyze relevant information. Due to the abundance of unstructured text data in the biomedical context, NLP techniques facilitate the analysis of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) and other types of biomedical data. Indeed, NLP techniques allow for the precise identification of concepts, entities, and relationships through the application of advanced syntactic and semantic analysis, enabling a better understanding of the grammatical structure and meaning within biomedical texts. Leveraging this data is crucial for extracting specific information (such as diagnoses and treatments for diseases), classifying and grouping texts based on predefined criteria, and analyzing sentiments, thereby revealing the emotions and opinions expressed in documents.
On the other hand, graph analysis emerges as a powerful methodology to represent and analyze complex interactions among biomedical entities. Biomedical graphs enable the modeling of relationships between proteins, genes, diseases, and drugs, providing a holistic view of the complexity of biological and pathological systems. Techniques for graph analysis in the biomedical domain include constructing graphs using nodes and edges to represent entities and their interactions, topological analysis to identify relevant patterns and structures, prediction of new interactions among biomedical entities, and visualization of graphs to facilitate visual comprehension of the data.
Topics of Interest
The ultimate goal of this workshop is to provide to participants the opportunity of introducing and discussing new methods, theoretical approaches, algorithms, and software tools that are relevant to explore the synergies between natural language processing (NLP) and graph analysis in the biomedical domain.
The list of topics for the workshop, that has not to be intended as exhaustive, is reported below.
- Multimodal Biomedical Data Representation in Knowledge Graphs
- NLP-Enhanced prediction of drug-target interactions
- Semantic annotation for biomedical literature extraction
- Personalized medicine recommendations via NLP-driven graph mining
- Pharmacovigilance monitoring with NLP-enabled graph analytics
- Disease progression modeling with NLP
- Text mining EHR for patient similarity graphs
- Biomarker discovery via NLP-guided graph analysis
- Drug repurposing with NLP and graph analysis
- Natural language query systems for Biomedical Knowledge Graphs
- Generative models in Biomedical Graph completion
- Anomaly detection in Biomedical data by graph analysis
- Advanced visualization for Big Data Graphs in Biomedicine
Important dates
Oct 10, 2024 Oct 31,2024 (Extended Deadline): Due date for full workshop papers submission (submit your paper here)
Nov 7, 2024 Nov 11, 2024: Notification of paper acceptance to authors
Nov 23, 2024: Camera-ready of accepted papers
Dec 3-6, 2024: Workshop
Important Information
Workshop Papers: 8 pages, including all figures, tables, and references; 20 minutes oral presentation (about 15-16 minutes for talk and 4-5 minutes for Q and A)
(1)Each paper needs to have at least one full registration in order to get your paper published in the conference proceedings. If you are a student author and you are the only one to register for the paper, then you need to pay the full registration, not the student registration. The author registration deadline is Nov 23, 2024. If you pay by wire-transfer, pls note that wire-transfer normally take about 10 days to actually transfer the fund from your bank account to the IEEE BIBM 2024 bank account, make sure your payment is received by Nov 10, otherwise your paper won’t be published in the conference proceedings. Pls follow the registration link from for the online registration.
(2) To book the hotel rooms using the conference discount rate, please follow the link Conference Venues from . Pls note the hotel booking discount deadline is October 3, 2024.
(3) Every paper needs to prepare a video-recording presentation no matter whether the authors attend the conference in person or not. The authors need to upload the video recording to the conference video server uploading site!/auth/login?conference_video=1&pid=4deNlA8WRdhSJEEKdQqBMi . The deadline to upload the video presentation is Nov 20, 2024. For workshop paper, the video presentation is limited to no more than 15 minutes.
(4) Those plan to attend virtually could watch all the videos of the main conference and all the workshops papers
(5) The conference schedule will be announced around in middle November. If the authors can’t attend the conference to present the paper in person, and they plan to attend the workshop online, then the authors should select “NO” in the in-person presentation in the final camera-ready submission. Your paper video presentation will be watched by all the participants and you could also watch all the conference and workshop paper video presentations too. If you can’t attend the conference , that is fine, it won’t have any impact to your paper publication in the conference proceedings and also the consideration for the journal special issues of the conference. But if you select “Yes” in the in-person presentation in the final camera-ready submission site and you don’t show to present the paper in the conference, then your paper won’t be considered for the journal special issue and the conference won’t submit your final version to IEEE eXplore.
(6) Thanks for the student travel grant from National Science Foundation of USA and other sponsors, the conference will offer about 35 student travel awards (each award is US$800), if you are a student author and would like to apply for the student travel award, please email Prof. Bo Song at the following materials before the deadline Nov 21, 2024.
Your name, affiliation, supporting letter from your advisor or dept chair, paper id and title, registration receipt. All students authors are eligible to apply for the student travel awards
(7) If you need a visa invitation letter to Portugal, pls finish the online registration. In the online registration process, it will ask whether you need a visa invitation letter to enter Portugal or not. If your answer is yes, and fill in the relevant information and complete the registration payment, then the visa invitation letter will be generated and email to you automatically by the system. if your visa application is denied and your registration is not the only registration associated with you paper, don’t worry, the conference will refund your registration fees.